Founder of Iowa Isshin-ryu Karate Association


In the martial arts world Mr. Kellogg is a highly respected martial artist having attained the rank of seventh degree black belt and the title of Master in Isshin-ryu karate and first-degree black belts in Shorin-ryu and Shotokan Karate. Mr. Kellogg belongs to that selected group of martial arts masters that is recognized by various martial arts organizations as a leader in the martial arts community.

Mr. Kellogg began training in the Isshin-ryu system in 1973 under Sensei Jesse Gallegos and Sensei Jane Gallegos. Sensei Jesse and Jane Gallegos could trace their roots to the introduction of Isshin-ryu Karate to Northeast Illinois by Sensei James Chapman and Sensei Douglas Noxon. Sensei Chapman was a student of Sensei Don Nagle. Upon the untimely deaths of Sensei Chapman and Sensei Noxon, Sensei Jesse and Jane Gallegos, as well as Sensei Herman Kussro formed the American Okinawan Karate Associates to continue the development of Isshin-ryu. Sensei Jesse Gallegos passed away in January 1995.

In 1977, Mr. Kellogg and his family moved from Illinois to Iowa. Mr. Kellogg formed the Professional Karate Club and began teaching the Isshin-ryu system. In 1981, upon a request of Sensei Jesse Gallegos, Mr. Kellogg renamed the Professional Karate Club to the ?Iowa Isshin-ryu Karate Association.? Mr. Kellogg and his family moved from Iowa to Arkansas in 1987, however, he left behind a cadre of black belts to continue the teaching of Isshin-ryu Karate. Mr. Kellogg has Black Belt Instructors located in Iowa, Missouri, Colorado and Texas.

Mr. Kellogg is nationally recognized as Nada-Dan, 7th Degree Black Belt, by the United Warriors Association and Shichi-Dan, 7th Degree Black Belt by the American Okinawan Karate Associates, International Council of Black Belts and Bryan?s Karate School of American Tang-Soo-Do.

Mr. Kellogg has provided personal safety lectures and self-defense seminars for companies, churches, special groups and schools for men, women and children of all ages.

In addition, Mr. Kellogg is also a nationally recognized instructor for spontaneous knife defense, Pr-24 Side Handle Baton, ASP Baton, firearms and personal protection techniques. Mr. Kellogg has taught officer survival skills to police officers and military personnel from across the nation.

Mr. Kellogg has attended numerous specialized training programs on investigations, narcotics, terrorism, hostage negotiations, explosives, firearms and officer survival tactics. Mr. Kellogg holds instructor certification from the Iowa Commission of Law Enforcement Standards and Training, Arkansas Commission of Law Enforcement Standards and Training, and from Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Mr. Kellogg is a decorated U.S. Army combat Vietnam veteran having served with the 1st Infantry Division and the Americal Division. Mr. Kellogg received the Combat Infantry Badge (CIB), Aviation (Door gunner) Wings, Air Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Purple Heart Medal and numerous Certificates of Achievements and Certificates of Appreciation.

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